Apr 18, 2010

Juried Show

13 x 18 pastel

I just got the news that Duet was accepted into the juried exhibit "For Pastels Only on Cape Cod 2010." The jurors were Margaret Dyer and Richard McKinley, two accomplished pastel artists and two of my personal favorites! There were almost 300 entries from 18 states. I am very excited and very honored! The show reception in June 12 at the CUltural Center of Cape Cod in South Yarmouth.

Apr 17, 2010

Emily with Christopher the Cat
11x14 pastel

My son and his girlfriend had to put down their cat recently. They only had him 2 years, I think. But, he was suffering from an intestinal disease. I painted this portrait for her. Christopher was a beautiful, black, silky cat with a long, fluffy tail. They got him from a shelter and loved him a lot, but couldn't make him better.