Jan 29, 2010

Back in the studio....

So, it's been a while....since I've written as well as since I've painted anything. I've been so busy with new year cleaning and organizing projects that I just haven't had the time, or should I say haven't had the mood, to get back in the studio. But this week I am sick with a killer head cold and don't have the energy for housework, but I got the painting bug back.

This painting I simply title "Haiti". It was inspired by a photo I saw of a child whose parents were killed in the earthquake. It's not finished yet. I like to almost finish a painting and then put it away for a while to look at it with a fresh eye later. I already see things I'll change, ( I mean, that ear is just a mess!) but I am going to wait. I've been known to overwork a painting and waiting helps me not do that.

I'm thinking of taking a portrait painting workshop in April. It's a 2 day event with portrait artist extraordinaire Alain Picard. As much as I try to get excited about a still life or a landscape, it's portraits and figures that really get me inspired. Take a look at his work on his website. It' s just beautiful.
I am basically self taught. I don't have formal training in pastel painting.....or any kind of painting actually....so taking his workshop will really help me in learning technique. I can read lots of books and look at videos, but to have a live model and an instructor who does the type of work I would like to do...well that's an opportunity I don't want to pass up. So, I hope it's not full!

Jan 1, 2010

A New Year

Happy New Year!
I don't usually do resolutions, but I do like to look ahead and set new goals. I tend to do that any time of the year I feel like I need to refocus, but the beginning of a new year just seems like a great opportunity to reevaluate. One of my goals is to spend more time in the studio...that's kind of an ongoing goal, but I think I have to step up the effort to try to do some painting every day. There will be a lot of distractions coming up......getting ready for my son's wedding in June, to name one.
But, I want to focus on trying new techniques and find out what my 'style' is. I only began pastel painting this past March, and I think I've made a lot of progress.....but I want to experiment with more impressionistic styles and see if it's a good fit with me. I'm basically self taught and I want to continue to use the many resources out there online, in dvd's and books, to experiment. I love browsing through other artist's websites. I find it very inspiring.
So starting Monday, I'm putting pastel to paper again.....and they happen to be the new 96 piece Sennelier Paris pastel set that my hubby got me for Christmas...thanks honey!....
Drop by in a couple of weeks to see the new work!