Jul 10, 2009

setting up the studio

My new easel arrived today, so to make room for it I decided it was time to do over the whole workroom. I purged all the sewing stuff, moved around the tables in different ways but ended up putting them back where they were and arranged all my pastels on the table next to the easel.
I cleaned out the closet and stacked all my papers and boards on the shelves. Everything is now airy and organized and I'm ready to get painting again!
The last couple of days, i traveled around the Cape and took reference photos for future paintings. I'm so full of ideas....I have to organize my thoughts and make a schedule. Between painting and learning more techniques, taking photos and everything else that I have to do in my regular life,I have been one busy gal!
I didn't have to go too far to find a perfect photo for a future painting. ....my rose garden! Get a look at this..... this photo already looks like a painting.....

So, I'm looking forward to doing that one!
Hopefully in a week or so I'll have more work to post pictures of.

I recently had five of my pieces professionally framed....my rooms look like a gallery now!

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